
Tender NoDescriptionDepartmentLast Date of Receipt
width=32Quatation No. 11/2024/25 File No: GECWYD/90/2025-A4 Dt. 04/02/2025 Quotation for the Supply of Washing machines for hostels
of this institution
Office14-02-2025 02.00 PM
width=32Tender No. PTA/04/2024-25/GECWYD/SN, File No. GECWYD/PTA/04/2024-25 Quotation for Supply & Installation of Sound System in Seminar Hall.Office12-02-2025 02.00 PM
width=32Tender No. 05/2024-25/GECWYD/SN, File No. No. D1/3342/23/GECWYD Quotation for Supply & Installation of CCTV inside College CampusOffice15-01-2025 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 9/2024-2025, File No.GECWYD/1154/2024-D1 Quotation for Projector for Mechanical Engineering DeptOffice12-12-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 2/2024-2025 Quotation for purchase of laboratory items of Civil Engineering DeptOffice23-10-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 7/2024-2025 Quotation for supply and installation of equipments to EEE DeptOffice24-10-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 8/2024-2025 File No. Quotation for Maintenance and resizing of rolling shutter (Material Testing Lab)Office13-10-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 5/2024-2025 File No. D1/626/23 GEC-WYD Dtd. 21/06/2024 Quotation for purchase of A4size Paper (80 GSM) for seriesOffice18-07-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 4/2024-2025 File No. D1/4890/23 GEC-WYD Dtd. 21/06/2024 Quotation for the supply and installation of the tubular batteries (EEE Dept)Office15-07-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 3/2024-2025 File No. GECWYD/530/D2 Dtd. 16/06/2024 Quotation for constructions of bus parking shed.Office27-06-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No 03/2024/W295 Dtd. 19/06/2024 Quotations are invited for Stitching of Student's Uniform. (GECW Co-op Society)Co-op Store GECW10-07-2024 03.00 PM
width=32Quotation No 02/2024/W295 Dtd. 19/06/2024 Quotations are invited for Supply of Student's Uniform cloth. (GECW Co-op Society)Co-op Store GECW10-07-2024 03.00 PM
width=32Quotation No 01/2024/W295 Dtd. 10/06/2024 Quotation invited for the partition & Fabrication works of GECW Co-op Society Co-op Store GECW21-06-2024 03.00 PM
width=32Quotation No 23/2024-25 File No. A3/1597/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 20/01/2024 Quotation invite for running of College Canteen Office15-05-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No Canteen/2023-24 File No. D1/7232/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 23/04/2024 Quotation for the supply of Stationary items for various departments of this
Office05-02-2024 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No 21/2023-24 File No. D1/3042/23/GECWYD Dtd. 15/12/2023 Quotation for Supply and Installation of Electric Heater to Hostels of this institution.Office29-12-2023 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No 20/2023-24 File No. D1/6045/23/GECWYD Dtd. 14/12/2023 Quotation for Supply and Installation of Water purifier at Aminity Block of this institution.Office27-12-2023 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No 19/2023-24 File No. D3/1991/23/GECWYD Dtd. 02/12/2023 Quotation for the Supply of Nylon Tyre for College Bus of this institution.Office11-12-2023 12.00 Noon
width=32Tender ID : 2023_DTE_617764_1 File No. D1/1912/23/GECWYD Dtd. 22/11/2023 Superscription: E- tenders extension notice for purchase of equipments for EEE Departmen.Office04-12-2023 02.00 PM
width=32Tender ID : 2023_DTE_615305_1 File No. D1/3326/23/GECWYD Dtd. 13/11/2023 Superscription: E- tenders extension notice for purchase of consumables for for Electronics & CommunicationEngineering department of Govt. Engineering College, Wayanad.Office27-11-2023 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 17/23-24 File No. DD1/1912/23/GECWYD Dtd. 30/10/2023 Superscription: E- tenders are invited for the supply of equipment's for Electrical & Electronics Engineering department of Govt. Engineering College, Wayanad.Office22-11-2023 02.00 PM
width=32Quotation No. 18/23-24 File No. D1/4800/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 26/10/2023 Superscription: Quotation for the Supply of equipment's for engineering chemistry & Physics labs of this institution.Office16-11-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. 06/2023-24/GECWYD/SN File No. D1/3326/23/GECWYD Dtd. 21/10/2023 Superscription: Quotation for Purchase of consumables for Electronics & Communication Engineering DepartmentOffice13-11-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 17/23-24 File No. D1/4801/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 17/10/2023 Superscription: Quotation for the Supply of consumables for engineering chemistry lab of this institution.Office04-11-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 13/23-24 File No. D1/3586/23/GECWYD Dtd. 26/09/2023 Superscription: Quotation for the Supply of electrical safe floor LT mat to EEE Dept.Office16-10-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 13/23-24 File No. D1/3586/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 11/09/2023 Superscription: Quotation for the Supply of electrical safe floor LT mat to Electrical and electronics engineering department of this institution.Office25-09-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 12/23-24 File No. D2/3926/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 07/08/2023 Quotation for Constructing Cabin and Partition for Electrical & Electronics Engineering DepartmentOffice18-08-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 1/2023/W295 Dtd. 07/08/2023 Quotation inviting for supply of uniform cloths for students.Office05-09-2023 03.30 PM
Quotation No. 2/2023/W295 Dtd. 07/08/2023Quotations are inviting for the stitching of students uniform.Office10-08-2023 02.00 PM
E Tender No. 11/2023-2024, Order No. D2/2551/22/GEC-WYD Dtd. 26/07/2023Re Quotation for Wash room in Principal's Rest roomOffice10-08-2023 02.00 PM
E Tender No. 04/2023-2024, Order No. D1/3000/23/ GECWYD Dtd. 14/07/2023E- tenders are invited for the supply & installation of commercial water purifier for hostels kitchens of GEC Wayanad.Office09-08-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 10/2023-2024, Order No. D2/3044/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 22/07/2023Quotation for purchase of A4 size 80 GSM Papers for Series Examinations.Office07-08-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 11/2023-2024, Order No. D1/3337/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 21/07/2023Quotation for the Supply & Installation of Sanitary Napkin Incinerator for ladies HostelOffice08-08-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 07/2023-2024, Order No. D2/2847/23/GEC-WYD Dtd. 12/07/2023Quotation for Providing Sheet Roof in Ladies Hostel-2 of Govt. Engineering College, WayanadOffice25-07-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 03/2023-2024, Order No. D1/1313/23/GECWYD Dtd. 13/06/2023E- tenders are invited for the supply of laboratory Equipment for Civil Engineering department of Govt. Engineering College, WayanadOffice12-07-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 02/2023-2024, Order No. D1/418/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 13/06/2023E-Tender inviting for the purchase of universal milling mechine for Mechanical Engineering Department of GECWOffice29-06-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 08/2023-2024, Order No. D1/2079/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 02/06/2023Quotation for the Supply of consumables (Materials) to workshops of mechanical Engg. Dept.Office30-06-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 07/2023-2024, Order No. D1/2411/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 02/06/2023Quotation for the Supply of vacuum cleaner to Central library of this institution.Office23-06-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 06/2023-2024, Order No. D2/1884/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 25/05/2023Quotation for Providing Mesh Work in Windows and Air Ventilations of Mechanical Engineering WorkshopOffice02-06-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 05/2023-2024, Order No. D1/917/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 25/05/2023E Tender extention for 1.5 ton Airconditioner Supply (EEE & ME Depts)Office26-06-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 05/2023-2024, Order No. D2/1668/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 08/05/2023Quotation for Quotation for Constructing Soak pit for Canteen.Office18-05-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 01/2023-2024, Order No. D1/552/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 27/04/2023Quotation for Purchase & Installation of CCTV Cameras Inside College
Office22-05-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 04/2023-2024, Order No. D2/1678/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 28/04/2023Quotation for Repair and repainting works of steel stair case from main block to academic block, Hand rails of Amenity block, Hand rails near material testing lab etc. Office11-05-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation ID. 2023_DTE_568813_1, Order No. D1/917/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 24/04/2023E Tender extention notice for the supply of 1.5 ton Airconditioner for ME & EEE Depts. Office24-05-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 03/2023-2024, Order No. D2/1547/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 26/04/2023Quotations are invitated for UPS battery repairing and Maintenance for CAD/CAM LAB. Office10-05-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. Canteen 2023-2024, Order No. A3/1594/2023-24, GECWYD Dtd. 24/03/2023Quotations are invitated for the running of college canteen. Office19-04-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. 21/22-23, Order No. D1/917/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 29/03/2023E. Tenders are invited for the supply and installation of 1.5 Ton Air conditioner for ME and EEE Depts.. Office24-04-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. 20/22-23, Order No. D1/2052/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 22/03/2023E. Tenders are invited for the supply of inverter and battery for TBI Center of GECW.Office18-04-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. 43/22-23, Order No. D2/6249/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 17/03/2023Quatation for providing PVC Cable truff and dressing in ECE Dept.Office27-03-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. 17/22-23, Order No. D1/462/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 13/03/2023E. tenders are invited for the supply of universal vibration apparatus in ME Dept.Office21-03-2023 02.00 PM
Quatation No. 44/2022-23 Order No. D1/682/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 09/03/2023Quotation for the supply of pipes & plumbing fittings to CE Dept.Office05-04-2023 02.00 PM
Order No. A3/2087/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 28/02/2023Quatations are invited the auction for consumable items and scraps itemsOffice21-03-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. 05/2022-23 Order No. D1/4787/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 20/02/2023E Tenders are invited for the supply of PLC Trainer kit & Motion controller using AC/DC motor servo motors and encoders for the ME Dept.Office23-03-2023 02.00 PM
E Tender invited for the supply of Fiber Optics Trainer Kit For Educational Purpose (Q3)Office09-02-2023 02.00 PM
E Tender (BID) invited for the supply of Multy Function Mechice (Photocopier) and Computer Printer (Exam Cell)Office08-02-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 40/2022-23 Order No.
D2/7390/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 01/02/2023
Quotation for Floor Tile Repairing works of Electronics & Communication Engineering Dept..
Office17-02-2023 02.00 PM
Tender ID. 2022_DTE_535225_1 /2022-23 Order No.
D1/2863/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 31/01/2023
E-Tender Extension for the Supply and installation of Video Conf. Systems in Principal's room.
Office15-02-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 39/2022-23 Order No.
D2/7384/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 31/01/2023
Quotation for Quotation for Concreting Road from Main Building to Amenity BlockOffice14-02-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 32/2022-23 Order No.
D1/4716/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 25/01/2023
Quotation Extention Notice of supply of Pnumatic Comparator for Machanic Dept .
Office21-02-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. 3/2022-23 Order No.
D1/2352/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 24/01/2023
Quotation for purchase of high bandwidth power probs for the power electronics lab in EEE Dept.
Office23-02-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 38/2022-23 Order No.
D2/280/2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 22/01/2023
Quotation for purchase of 80 GSM A4 Papers for series Exams.
Office07-02-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 37/2022-23 Order No.
A3/2641-2022-23, GECWYD Dtd. 20/01/2023
Quotation for supply of plates, pots, flask, jug, glasses etc., for college canteen.Office27-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 36/2022-23 Order No.
D2/6248-2022-23, Dtd. 12/01/2023
Quotation for Constructing cabin for UPS room in DSP lab of ECE Department.Office24-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 35/2022-23 Order No.
D2/6248-2022-23, Dtd. 12/01/2023
Quotation for Providing Antistatic Flooring of Battery room in ECE department.Office24-01-2023 02.00 PM
Tender No. 2022-DTE_535225_I/2022-23 Order No.
D1/2863-2022-23, Dtd. 11/01/2023
Tender Extension for the Supply and installation of Video Conf. Systems in Principal's room.Office01-02-2023 11.30 PM
Tender No. 10/2022-23 Order No.
D1/7585-2022-23, Dtd. 22/12/2022
Supply and installation of display boards.Office16-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. TEQIP II-FF/55-2021-22 Order No.
TEQIP II-FF/55-2021-22, Dtd. 06/01/2023
Quotation for supply of Monitoring SystemTEQIP Office18-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 34/2022-23 Order No.
D20/6247/22/GECWYD, Dtd. 06/01/2023
Quotation for providing false ceiling work of Chemistry LabOffice20-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 32/2022-23 Order No.
D1/4716/22/GECWYD, Dtd. 04/01/2023
Quotation for supply of Pnumatic Comparator for Machanic Dept .Office17-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 28/2022-23 Order No.
D1/4772/22/GECWYD, Dtd. 04/01/2023
Quotation for the supply of bush cutting mechine.Office18-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 33/2022-23 Order No.
D2/5459/22/GECWYD, Dtd. 03/01/2023
Quotation inviting for the Tonner Refill, Drum and Blade Changing of Printers Office17-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 30/2022-23 Order No.
A3/2641/22/GECWYD, Dtd. 09/12/2022
Quotation inviting for the reconstruction works of canteen (Roof Grill Painting)Office13-01-2023 02.00 PM
Tender ID. 2022_DTE 535225_1
D1/2863/22/GECWYD, Dtd. 22/12/2022
E Tender extention notice for the purchase of Video Conferancing System in Principal's Room.Office11-01-2023 02.00 PM
Quotation No. 31/22-23, D1/4744/22/GECWYD, Dtd. 16/12/2022Quotation for supply of equipements for Mechine tools lab of ME Dept.Office05-01-2023 02.00 PM

Quotations are invited for the Purchase of 2 Nos. of Pedestal Fans

Quotations are invited for the supply of College Uniforms for Students (Co. op. Store, GECW)

Quotations are invited for purchase of 15nos of FPGA Evaluation Board in Logic Design Lab

Repairing and Maintenance of 7 Nos of LED Solar Street Light Unit in College Campus

Quotations are invited for the supply of consumables for various labs in Mechanical Dept.

Quotations are invited for the supply of items for Digital Signal Processing Development Kit for DSP lab (ECE)

Quotations are invited for the supply of the Two numbers of 12V 150 AH Batteries under buy back scheme.

Replacement of Broken floor tile in ECE Dept.

Water connection from main water tank to GO, NGO Quarters

Quotations are invited for Purchase of components  for Communication Lab (ECE).

Quotations are invited for Running College Canteen.

Water connection from main water tank to GO, NGO Quarters

Tenders are invited for the supply of Projector und Byeback Scheme

Quotations are invited for purchase of Universal IC Testers for ECE Dept.

Replacement of Broken floor tile in ECE Dept.

Quarters are invited for the Touching up the stained wall in 2nd and 3rd floor of New Academic block.

Tenders are invited for the supply of FPGA Evaluation Board in Logic Design Lab

Tenders are invited for the supply of Machinery and Equipments for Manufacturing Technology Lab of ME Department.

Tenders are invited for the supply of Digital Storage Oscilloscope for ECE Department

Sealed quotations are invited for purchase of consumables for ECE Department

Rearrange of filter media in Water Treatment Unit

Last Updated : 23/09/2021
